Peace Lutheran Academy Sussex, Wisconsin

News Story: February 16, 2015

David HB Drake presents Wiscon-Sing at Fish Fry on March 20

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Musician and songwriter David HB Drake presents Wiscon-Sing, taking the audience on a multimedia musical tour through Wisconsin’s history using folk music and instruments. Drake will appear at Peace on March 20 at 7:00 p.m., following the family fish fry which is served from 4:30–7:00 p.m. Dinners range from $4-$10. The entertainment is part of a variety of lectures, music, and concerts which Peace hosts each year that are open to the public at no charge.

Drake describes Wiscon-Sing as a 55-minute multimedia program which presents songs that introduce Wisconsin’s vibrant history to audiences of all ages in a music and visual performance enhanced with over 100 historic and scenic slides of our state. From the Native Americans and French explorers, European immigration, the work of lumberjacks and Great Lakes sailors, up to our present day farmers, Wisconsin comes to life in song. David plays a variety of handmade and historic instruments, the kind our ancestors played, including Indian courting flute, mountain banjo, dulcimer, and concertina in addition to guitar to give the music an authentic flavor. The audience is invited to participate, encouraged by special sing-along slides.

From the great north woods, the songs of lumberjacks and the great pine forests, of deep winters and fish-tales are found in songs like “The Lumberjack’s Alphabet” and “Jon Jonson”. Work songs of the sailors and river men are reflected in “Where are you Bound” and “The Rivers of Wisconsin”. From the rich farmland, “When I First Came to this Land”, ”Many, Many Cows”, and “The Cranberry Bog” with everyone singing on the finale, “On Wisconsin!”   Heritage, family, comedy, and nostalgia all come alive in David’s concerts.


More information on David HB Drake can be found on his website (

David HB Drake